Tabular converter

Tabular data can come from Excel files, a set of CSV files, GNF files, databases, pandas DataFrames, etc etc. The similarity between all tabular data is that it contains multiple tables, each with multiple columns, possibly with a specific unit. Others may have a categorical value which needs to be mapped (i.e. open: 0, closed: 1); in general we’ll call these substitutions.

Mapping file

A mapping file is a yaml with three main sections grid, units and substitutions:


      id: Number
      u_rated: Unom
      extra: ID

      id: Number
      from_node: From.Number
      from_status: From.Switch state
      to_node: To.Number
      to_status: To.Switch state

    µF: 0.000001

  ".*Switch state":
    "off": 0
    "on": 1


For each table, the target PGM component is listed (e.g. Nodes: node, Cables: line). The for each PGM column the source column is supplied (e.g. u_rated: Unom, from_status: From.SwitchStatus).

Field Definitions

If the column definition is a one on one mapping, the value is simply the name of the source column (e.g.u_rated: Unom), but in many cases the mapping is a bit more complex. You can use the following column definitions:

  • Column name str

    from_node: From.Number
  • First matching column name str

    p_specified: Inverter.Pnom | Inverter.Snom
  • Reference to a column on another sheet (using ! notation as in Excel) str

    r1: CableProperties!R[Shortname=Type short]

    You may also specify the reference more explicitly:

    r1: CableProperties!R[CableProperties!Shortname=Cables!Type short]
  • Constant value int | float

    from_status: 1
    tan1: 0.0
  • Functions Dict[str, List[Any]

        - Pnom
        - Inverter.Pnom
  • Nested definitions:

        - min:
            - Pnom
            - Inverter.Pnom | Inverter.Snom
        - Inverter.cos phi
        - 1.0

    Is similar to:

    from power_grid_model_io.filters.phase_to_phase import reactive_power
    q_specified = reactive_power(
        table["Inverter.Pnom"] if "Inverter.Pnom" in table else table["Inverter.Snom"]


Power Grid Model uses SI units (e.g. “W” for Watts), but source data may be supplied in different units (e.g. “MW” for Mega Watts). If units are supplied in the tabular data, the pandas DataFrame storing the data is expected to have MultiIndexes for the columns. For our application, a MultiIndex can be interpreted as a tuple; the first element is the column name, the second element is the column unit. For example: ("C0", "µF").

If a unit is supplied, it should be defined in the units section of the mapping. Undefined units are not allowed to prevent errors.

    µF: 0.000001
    ohm/km: 0.001

The definitions above can be interpreted as:

  • A is a valid SI unit

  • F is a valid SI unit

    • 1 µF = 0.000001 A

  • ohm/m is a valid SI unit

    • 1 ohm/km = 0.001 ohm/m


Some columns may contain categorical values (enums) which should be replaced. The column names can be defined as regular expressions.

  ".*Switch state":
    "off": 0
    "in": 1
    none: false
    own: true

The definitions above can be interpreted as:

  • In all columns that end with SwitchState (e.g. From.Switch State, To.Switch State or just Switch State), the word “off” should be replaced with the integer 0 and the word “in” should be replaced with the value 1.

  • In all columns called “N1”, the word “none” should be replaced with the boolean false and the word “own” should be replaced with the value boolean true.


The id field is special in the sense that each object should have a unique numerical id in power grid model. Therefore, each id definition is mapped to a numerical ID. Also each field name that ends with node is converted into the matching numerical ID.

from power_grid_model_io.utils.auto_id import AutoID

auto_id = AutoID()
a = auto_id("Alpha")   # a = 0
b = auto_id("Bravo")   # b = 1
c = auto_id("Alpha")   # c = 0 (because key "Alpha" already existed)
item = auto_id[1]      # item = "Bravo"

See also power_grid_model_io.utils.AutoID

Vision and Gaia

For Vision and Gaia files, an extra trick is applied. Let’s assume this mapping:

      id: Number
      id: Number
      from_node: From.Number

The PGM node["id"] will be a number, based on the values in the Nodes!Number column. The PGM line["from_node"] (which ends with node) will be based on the values in the Nodes!From.Number. Originally this didn’t work, due to the hashing function, as the column names differ: "Number" != "From.Number". Therefore, the Vision and Gaia converters overload the _id_lookup() method. They split the column name on . so that the Number matches From.Number.